Children & Young Persons Privacy Policy

Children and Young People – Your Privacy Notice 

Who we are

With a history spanning over a century, UK Youth is a leading national Charity committed to ensuring; ‘All young people are equipped to thrive and empowered to contribute at every stage of their lives’. 

With an open network of over 8000 youth organisations and nation partners, we are focused on unlocking youth work as the catalyst of change that is needed now more than ever. Working in partnership to build a cross-sector movement, creating a society that understands, champions, and delivers effective youth work for all young people. 

What is personal data?

Any information that could be used to identify you. At its simplest, this could just be your name and address; or, it could include a telephone number, email address, a picture or recording of you. 

As you might be attending one of our national programmes, using the Charity’s services or being supported in some other way, there are things our expert staff would need to know in order to help us deliver our work. This could be to ensure we have sufficient information to meet the aims of our work and deliver it safely, such as medical or dietary information, or meet learning support requirements. 

Why we need personal data

We collect personal data for research purposes from you when you attend one of our national programmes or use the Charity’s services, to understand if our work is effective. All data is held confidentially, and you will not be named in any research. 

Where we get your personal data from and what we do with it

Primarily we get it from you, but if you are under 16 then your parent or carer must give it to us on your behalf. We don’t buy lists of names and only hold the data we need to deliver our work. 

If you are attending one of our national programmes then we might receive information from, for example, a youth organisation who you already have a relationship with. We would only receive this information if we had your (or your parent/carer’s) permission to do that.

It is important for you to know that we are really careful with your information. 

The data law requires us to protect your data and only use it for the reason it was given. Everyone at UK Youth is trained in data protection and safeguarding, which means that we know how to keep your information safe. We don’t share it unless you or your parent/carer tell us we can (unless we are really worried about you), and we will always store it securely. We provide detailed information how we keep the personal data safe in our detailed Privacy Policy – it is a bit longer than this one but also available on our websites. 

More information

You might like to get in touch with us directly or more likely your youth organisation will on your behalf. When you personally get in touch, we will sometimes ask you for personal information to verify who you are and how old you are.

If you are attending one of our national programmes then often this will be delivered through your local youth organisation or using the Charity’s services, there is a legal duty to explain how your personal information is used and check that; you agree, you know what your rights are and that you understand what we do with your personal information – it is yours after all! 

How long we keep your data for

We have thought a lot about how long we should hold on to personal data. We believe it is only as long as you would consider reasonable, or where we have to for legal reasons. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) provide guidance we follow on how long we keep personal information and what we do with it (whether we delete or archive it) when its time is up! We keep it very safe on our systems, just like you would expect us to. 

Your rights

You have all the same ‘rights’ with regard to your personal information as adults do – this is a very good thing. If you want to know more, have a look at our general Privacy Policy

Get in touch

If you want to know more about personal information we hold of yours, or if you want to ask a question then to contact us:

  • Email: or
  • Write to us, at UK Youth, Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Centre, Bransgore, Hampshire, BH23 8EE. Please mark your enquiry Private and Confidential and for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.

If you are under 16 your parent or carer would need to do this. 

If you are over 16, then you can contact us directly although we would advise it would be best if you discussed this with your parent or carer first, and that you copied them into any correspondence you send.